Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Cereal Killers

After Blaire was finished eating, she went to Daddy and Mommy got her hands all over Reagan getting her ready for her first solid foods. She started off almost identical to Blaire...and ended the same way - in all smiles. The middle part was the difficult one for Reagan. Well, not so much difficult as it was that she just could have cared less. She wasn't the biggest fan of the texture of the food, and it took her a few bites to get the swallowing down pat. But in the end, she ate a pretty good amount (even from the helping bites Big Sister offered) and the 1st time for solids was a success!

Now...such a big day for Reagan and Blaire we know. But Abby was not to be out done. She was such a big help this morning at the doctor's office, this afternoon when we got home, and even this evening when feeding and bathing the girls. As a reward for being so great today, we pulled out the slip-n-slide and she invited her friends Savanna and Cooper over and they had a ball outside...slipping, sliding, chalking, throwing water balloons at targets and trying to jump rope. After such an exciting day, we think all three Wade girls will be sleeping soundly tonight!!!!

FOURTH down - move the chains!

Watching the girls get their shots isn't bad at all - Blaire hardly bleeds at all from shots, but Reagan's right leg is a gusher, ha! What is a bit interesting is watching a Mommy carry two babies and a toddler into the office by herself! Ha! But we love Dr. Mac and Ms. Leigh and they make these appointments a breeze! Here's today's numbers from the appointment:
Blaire* - Length: 22 1/4 inches; Weight: 10 lbs, 15 ounces;
Temp: 98.5, HC: 38
Reagan - Length: 21 1/2 inches; Weight: 10 lbs 5 1/2 ounces;
Temp: 99.5, HC: 38
The next "official" check up is not until November (at 6 months), but next month, the twins will start going back to Dr. Mac once a month for a Synergist shot. (This is a once-a-month shot given throughout the RSV season - Oct thru March - to babies, usually preemies, that are at high risk from dying from RSV usually with chronic lung isn't a vaccine but rather an immune globulin.) So...for the time being, we are sitting back and waiting for Dr. Mac to call and tell us when the Synergist shots have arrived at her office. Until then, they will continue to grow and grow...especially since we are starting cereal once a day now! Because Dr. Mac was so impressed with the girls (smiling, cooing, laughing, holding up the head with control, sitting in high chairs, etc) she said to go ahead and try a bit. And since their big sister wasn't a "cereal in the bottle fan", she suggested to go ahead and try the bowl, if our day wasn't interesting enough, it looks like dinner time is about to get a lot more crazy!!!!! Praise God for a GREAT four month check up girls!!!!!!
*About a month ago, Blaire developed a little small red spot on her chin. Dr. Mac confirmed this was another superficial hemangioma (although it is very very small compared to her other one) and that it will disappear much faster than the one on her stomach. If you don't know, a hemangioma is a benign tumor of the cells. It is not hereditary. It occurs in the womb or the first few weeks of life. This one appeared on Blaire in what was her 4th (corrected age) week of life. About 10% of infants get these and they are more common in fair skinned females. Regression of the tumor generally occurs by the time the child is 10 years old. (Abby's - which is on her arm - is about 50% in regression.)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Anything you can do I can do you can't, yes I can...
Physical characteristics:
Blaire - Has a hemangiomia on her stomach (that is a birthmark that appears as a bright red patch of extra blood vessels in the skin -it grows during the first year of life and then recedes over time - Abby has/had one as well on her elbow). She has darker hair. She has a little blood blister on her chin.
Reagan - Both girls have lost almost 100% of their hair, but Reagan's is lighter. You can still see a very small part of her "soft spot" that has not closed up. Her finger nails grow like crazy.
They both have great vision and hearing. And they hold their heads up without any support. They are growing like weeds!!!! Tomorrow they have a Doc's appt and we will see what their weight is.
Both girls love the mirror and looking at each other. But Blaire will kick Reagan - whenever she is the slightest bit close to her the legs go out and wham! Blaire loves tummy time, Reagan's learned to tolerate it but it isn't her favorite. They get a little "workout" every morning (now that we are back in our routine) that consists of arm/leg movements, and lots of other fun games with Mommy that use their body parts. They both love Peek-A-Bo. They both love hearing Abby read to them (which is something that happens every day...usually about 10 times a day, lol!). They will sit in their "bouncy" seats but don't like doing it too much lately - they'd rather be on the ground on a soft palette squirming around playing.
They both love riding in the fact, it almost always puts them both to sleep! It used to be a bit of an issue but the only problem now is when the big sister (who sits in her booster seat in the middle of the two infant car seats) wakes them up so she can say "See, Mommy - they ARE awake!")
Both sleep great! At night, they are fed by 8 PM and put to bed. Every other night they get a bath (which they both love). They mostly fall sound asleep (the lights are off but they get lullaby music and a humidifier) and we don't see or hear them again until about 4 AM when they wake up to eat. Although both girls sleep on their backs (a must with newborns - don't get us started), Blaire would rather be on her tummy. It is rare the girls use a paci at night now, but they stay around the cribs just in case. During the day, the girls nap throughout but no where near the way they used to for the first month when they came home.
Blaire is a grump! But she will smile more than Reagan - she'll grin at anyone that makes eyes at her, ha!. Blaire even laughs out loud! Reagan is more spunky and active. It takes her a while to smile at strangers, but we see tons of smiles for Mommy and Daddy! Blaire has become a thumb sucker...and it's just too funny because her thumb is just so small! Reagan will suck her thumb but has decided she's not really a fan of either the thumb or the paci.
Daily schedule:
Basically their day is like this -
4AM: Wake up and eat (each eat about 6-7 ounces at this time), go back to sleep.
8 AM: Wake up for the day and eat (about 4 ounces at this time).
9-12PM: Play, exercises with Mommy, laugh, snooze a bit, cry, fuss, enjoy the morning, ha!
12PM: Eat (about 4-5 ounces at this time).
12-4PM: Same as above - play, talk, snooze, fuss, cry, ha!
4PM: Eat (about 4-5 ounces at this time)
7PM: Eat (about 5-6 ounces at this time), bath
8PM: Bedtime.
*We've heard some criticism about keeping a schedule, (most people tell us that we should let babies do what babies do, when they want to do it) but a schedule works for us...and seems to work for the girls as well!
The twins are still "stay at home" girls. They don't go anywhere except for doctor's appointments and rides to pick up their big sister from school. And they are only allowed to stay with Mommy or Daddy - no babysitters, friends or family yet. They are still preemies and you can never be too careful. They are 4 1/2 months old but have only received their 2 month shots...they need to keep gaining weight and get more shots before they can go to other people's houses, church, visits, etc. After watching them struggle in the NICU for 2 months, we don't chance anything around here....but with that being said....the big day is now just weeks away...they will soon be able to venture out into the world! Stay tuned for all of the other stories, information and humor that I'm sure these two will bring - and we plan to share!

Reagan Nichole Wade

Blaire Elizabeth Wade
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Precious moments....precious memories.
December 29, 2003: Signing our names to become house owners for the first time...and finding out nope, we weren't changing the den carpet - ha!
Planting the "marriage bush" one Saturday afternoon.
The joys of painting a kitchen red...45 times as Eric says! LOL!
Sitting in the office one night covering 200 CDs with pictures only to find out after the fact that the CDs (wedding favors) didn't work and having to do it all over again a week later.
Barbara running through the backyard waving a supposed-to-be white shirt while screaming at Eric (while he was mowing) because she KNEW something was wrong with our water. Well water isn't supposed to turn clothes brown...unless your pump is busted!!
January 14, 2005: Newlyweds finally in their home is good!
July 2005: Hiring the worst construction men in the world to put stone on the outside of the house...apparently they were cheap because they were so high on drugs they didn't know how to do business right.
A story that involves a dog, fire ants and a screaming lunatic throughout the side yard.
June 1, 2006: Seeing Eric smile and whisper "You're pregnant?" when he first found out he was going to be a Daddy for the first time.
Watching Abby grow up during the first 3 1/2 years of her life: crawling (in a weird army kind of crawl), walking (finally!), learning how to talk, eating in a high chair, finding out she's scared of thunder, potty training, gymnastics, etc.
Hearing Abby say "Cow" over and over...we were so excited until we realized she literally meant a cow was 2 inches away from the family room window looking at her!
Seeing that cow trample our marriage bush.
Not the best memory, but I'll (Barbara) never forget the exact two places I was sitting for the phone calls that Grams and Papere had passed away.
All of our parties: Christmas 2004, Halloween 2005-2009, bridal showers, baby showers, graduation dinners for two sisters and a brother, birthday parties, make-room-for-baby painting parties.
Watching Eric bring home all of his "babies": the Cub, the John Deere, the Acura and Chevy.
Playgroup...every party, every visit, every time a child laughed - it was awesome.
December 10, 2009: Sitting at the kitchen table (over an Arby's dinner) telling Abby that "there is a baby in Mommy's tummy"....12 days before we found out there were 2 babies in Mommy's tummy, ha!
Christmas morning 2009. Wonderful.
February 12, 2010: Eric (covered head to toe in camo) playing with Abby in the snow even though he was sick as a dog with the flu!
Looking into the nursery saying to each other "How are TWO going to fit in here?"
Pulling into the driveway with Reagan and Blaire (coming home for the 1st time) and seeing Abby run to the 4Runner to officially meet and touch her sisters for the first time.
All five of us sitting in the family room doing exactly what that room was meant to do...give family a place to enjoy being family!
And while we got to sitting around talking and thinking about some of our favorite memories (and trust us, the ones you just read are just a few...there are hundreds more we could list!! Ha!), we thought about some of the things we'd miss...and just how we are going to handle missing those things:
Eric will definitely miss his shop....but yet he now lives on a golf course - something tells us he traded up on that deal, ha!
Barbara will miss well water from the sink....but the garbage disposal is well worth the exchange! (No more scrap trips - woo hoo!)
Eric will miss mowing his large yard with his ride on John Deere...but he was satisfied when he found out that a new, shiny push John Deere works great at the new house!
We will miss carpet in the main family room...but Eric loves it that when Abby and Barbara walk through the room, he doesn't hear any heel stomping anymore!
We will miss the pull out drawers of the pantry....but will take the new kitchen over the old one any day of the week - especially when we have more cabinets and counter space than we know what to do with!
We will miss the big pecan tree in the front yard where we took tons of family pics...but this house has a walkway to the front door with a porch that will do well with pics, ha!
The time of year called harvest that brings dust....and mice....and snakes....oh my!
The "country" animals that seemed to love the backyard...armadillos, mice, coyotes, cats, foxes, flying squirrels...and not to mention the cows that get out of neighboring pens every year and come to visit!
The days of a flooded front yard.
Having to spend 2 hours on mowing the grass.
The never closing mail box.
The house of only 4 closets.
Wrinkles the ghost.
Snowball the cat.
************************************ we are - in a new that we have already started to make into our home. And we are so thankful for this opportunity. We want to thank everyone that helped with this ordeal - from calls and well wishes, to helping us pack...from house warming gifts to visits to the new house...from being there when we closed the old house down, to being here when we opened the new house up...thank you! It has been the wildest year of our lives and this past month went by at warp speed. We are happy, we are healthy, and we are HOME!!!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Who's dat?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Yea, Alabama! Crimson Tide!
Every Bama man's behind you;
Hit your stride!
Go teach the Bulldogs to behave,
Send the Yellow Jackets to a watery grave!
And if a man starts to weaken,
That's a shame!
For Bama's pluck and grit
Have writ her name in crimson flame!
Fight on, fight on, fight on, men!
Remember the Rose Bowl we'll win then!
Go, roll to victory,
Hit your stride,
You're Dixie's football pride, Crimson Tide!
The season has BEGUN.....Roll Tide Roll!!!!!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Panther Pride

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Life Among The Pines