It's a miracle...well, not really. To be honest, what is happening right now is really just called a rarity. I'm talking about the fact that there is actually time in the day where I find myself sitting down (in peace and quiet no less) and updating our family blog. As I said the last time we talked, life happens. And oh the life happenings we've had around here! To begin with, thankfully, everyone is healthy and happy in our happy home of five. And although I'm not sure how, in the midst of over a month full of sickness, virus, disease and rashes - we managed to have a little fun.
This year for Halloween, we followed our tradition of dressing up as a family. Back in the summer, the idea started (thanks to Abby falling in love with a movie one of our neighbors gave her). We recruited two of our favorite peeps (practically family anyway - Courtney and Derek) into the mix and before we new it, the cast of THE WIZARD OF OZ was ready to enjoy some Halloween fun! We were the Lion, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Dorothy, Glinda the Good Witch and two little munchkins! (And a big shout out to the Slagles and Millers for trick-or-treating with us as well - fun fun fun!)

But I can't write about Halloween night without also talking about the rest of the fun we had during the Halloween season. There was the night that Eric sat with all three girls and watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"...or when he and Abby carved their Jack-O-Lanterns...the Fall Festival at County Line Baptist Church....or when we went on an early Trick-or-Treating run visiting Nana & Papa, Aunt Carol & Ra Ra, Pops (Rickey) and the Bryant household. And there was also the Zoo Boo in Montgomery, Alabama with the Godwin girls. All in all, there was sooo much fun had during one of our most favorite times of the year! Hope everyone had as much fun this Halloween as we did!

And although we got lots of treats on Halloween, there was also one very big trick that ended up not being so funny the day after Halloween. On October 31st, Abby went with her school mates to a local park...where she fell off some monkey bars and ended up getting a cast on her foot the next day. Thanks to our bestie, Veda Godwin, and the staff at both the medical center in Enterprise and the Southern Bone & Joint in Dothan, the pain was gone and Abby was able to walk again - compliments of a bright pink cast! As I type, she's in the midst of week 4 of the Great Cast. In week 3, Dr. Werner (who we love) took the cast off, did some more X-Rays and said that although every thing's looking good, she needs the cast for another 3 weeks. Here's hoping that when the next appointment rolls around, the cast comes off for good!

We've also had a bunch of fun during November with our friends. Whether it was hanging out at the house, clowning around at church choir practice, or hanging around the park, it's been a nice time of year to remember those that we love and enjoy some time with them!

And what would the fall be without more talk of America's (real) favorite past time...FOOTBALL? Not only does this house bleed crimson, we also have a bit of green and gold in our bones! Which means that we are so excited that both of our teams are in the top 25! Congrats to the University of Alabama and Baylor University for such great seasons! Roll Tide and Sic 'em Bears!

Another one of our favorite fall time activities is heading out to the Peanut Festival when it comes into town. This year, we packed up our warm clothes, and grabbed the Nowell and Mills family, and went out to the first night of the fair! It was awesome! We had a ball...Abby got to ride all of her rides...the corn dogs and ribeye sandwiches were were taken by the waving peanut himself! It was a great night that we were sad to see end, but we'll be back there in 2012!

Every month, Abby's preschool has a field trip. In November, her class went to the Enterprise Nursing Home to sing some Thanksgiving songs. We were thrilled to not only watch her perform, but to have some nurses remember us from a couple of years ago when we went to visit Meemaw while she lived there. And after enjoying some songs and popcorn, we headed out with Courtney for lunch and playing in the park...a great end to a great day!

The month of November also brought with it the Thanksgiving holiday. This year, we made plans to spend it in Florida with Gramercy, Papa Doc, Aunt Kimberly, Uncle Jeff, Logan, Carter, Aunt Kelly and Uncle Matt. Although we were only short Aunt Robyn and Uncle John (who couldn't travel from CO this year), we had a great family holiday. We ate, laughed, played, crafted, watched football and even opened up the traditional "kick start to the Christmas season" gifts together. A wonderful holiday with many many things to be thankful for this year!

As today rounds out the month, I can't help but think about a bunch of other events that made our month so wonderful...Blaire and Reagan turned 1 1/2 this month....Mommy and Abby's date night to see the Muppet's at the theater...the twins changing to their "big girl" forward facing car seats...Eric playing his best round of golf yet - with also now a great handicap...and many many more. But as we flip the calendar over to December, we so so knowing that there are also many more happenings that we'll enjoy! So, the recap of November is over, the promise of an even busier month is upon us and I'm out of here because I do believe it's time to go tis the season!