Today's the day...the twins are being discharged from the Sacred Heart Hospital NICU! After almost two months of tests, assessments, trials and growth, the girls have been released and we headed out on the 2 hour drive home. When we got to the house, Abby (a.k.a. "Big Sister" - which she tells everyone is her nickname) was there waiting...Being on the High Risk Floor of the hospital: Thousands of Dollars. Having twins in the NICU: Tens of Thousands of Dollars. Seeing Big Sister's face when meeting her Baby Sisters for the first time: PRICELESS. It has been an absolute whirlwind during the past three months and this was the moment that we've all been waiting and praying for - being a family of five in our home. And as crammed in as we may be, none of us would be anywhere else during this time! Right now, all three girls are in their beds/cribs and we're calling it a very successful day!

But this day wouldn't be complete without sending out a very special thank you to everyone that pariticpated in the last few months. Whether you prayed for us, sent care packages our way, looked after either Abby, Eric or Barbara, called or left messages, were nurses in L&D or the NICU, or even those from home that drove the distance to Pensacola to give us hugs and love...THANK YOU. We've said it before and we'll say it again - until you are in this position, you'll never know how much any of that means. Several of you were there for us and cried with us when we thought our world was falling apart. Now we are fortunate enough to have you with us again as our tears are now ones of joy. Thank you. Truly, thank you.

But this day wouldn't be complete without sending out a very special thank you to everyone that pariticpated in the last few months. Whether you prayed for us, sent care packages our way, looked after either Abby, Eric or Barbara, called or left messages, were nurses in L&D or the NICU, or even those from home that drove the distance to Pensacola to give us hugs and love...THANK YOU. We've said it before and we'll say it again - until you are in this position, you'll never know how much any of that means. Several of you were there for us and cried with us when we thought our world was falling apart. Now we are fortunate enough to have you with us again as our tears are now ones of joy. Thank you. Truly, thank you.
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