Well, last night we rung in the new year in style....well, some sort of style. Eric is still sick so the Wade Women packed up and headed out - leaving him with some peace and quiet. We headed out for some dinner, fun and fireworks at our friend's (the Sconyers) house. It was awesome! Lots of fun all night long...we hung out by the bonfire, watched some awesome fireworks all throughout the night, enjoyed some BBQ and nacho dinner, watched some TV, played with kiddos, laughed with adult
s - everything that bringing in a New Year requires, ha! But, we actually didn't stay til midnight. A little after 10 PM we headed home and got into our comfy PJs to watch the NYC Ball Drop for New Year's Eve. Eric was in and out of it upstairs so we had a girls only slumber party in our master bedroom. All four of us were awake to see the ball drop, give each other New Year's kisses and then sleep all night long! Love love love! With the exception of not being able to celebrate it as an entire family, that is healthy that is, it was a great night. Our wish for 2011 is health, wealth and happiness....but for now, we'd settle for just health, ha!

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