Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tornado Time

Although the winds and rain that were actually supposed to start last night didn't, we woke up to a dreary morning here in Enterprise. After getting up and ready for the day, the weather reports started coming in about tornado watches and warnings. About 10 AM, we packed up our "tornado box" (full of diapers, wipes, clothes, toys, books, blankets, pillows and food) and headed to the master closet. During the next hour we found ourselves doing a bunch of playing while the heavy winds were going around our house. It was very creepy at times - especially when Abby realized that she could hear the wind and the howling even though we were in the closet. When we first got into the closet, I said a prayer asking God to keep us safe during this storm. Well, when Abby heard the weather hitting, she came over to me and said "Mommy, I'm gonna pray too so close your eyes." And then she sat down, put her head in her lap and said "Dear God, Please keep us safe from this tornado. I don't like this tornado. I don't like thunder either. Please tell your angels to stop bowling. And bless the food to our bodies. Amen." So, as you can tell, even though we were a bit scared and nervous, we were safe and clearly enjoying ourselves during the storm. Thankfully, we endured no damage during the worst of what came through and at 11 AM, we came out of the closet and decided a nice lunch and nap would top the morning off quite well!

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