Summer time hosts one of our favorite events around here - Vacation Bible School! And this year, it's doubly fun bec
ause not only is there one VBS that Abby gets to go to, there's two! Last week, our friends at County Li
ne Baptist Church hosted their annual VBS. This year it was Group's "Hometown Nazareth" and Abby absolutely loved it! It was a family style VBS where all ages were welcome to join in on the classes and activities and it was so cool! Since we weren't able to go with Abby (because of the babies and Youth VBS at our church), we were fortunate enough to have some good family friends that were going and offered to let Abby go with them! A huge shout out to Patti, Woody and Lynnsie Wood for making it possible for Abby to have such a wonderful week! She love love loved it...going to the market place, going to Mary's house, learning about Jesus as a kid, and especially that songs!

After a week of VBS at County Line, we began our big week of VBS at our church, Providence Baptist in Clayhatchee. This year, our VBS is Lifeway's Big Apple Adventure. It's all about New York City and it truly is a big adventure where faith, trust, love and life connect! While Eric's at work, Abby's in the 4 year old class (with Miss Tina and Miss Cindy) and Barbara and the twins are working in the kitchen (a.k.a. Midtown Snacks). It already promises to be a great week and we can't wait! Stay tuned for more of our big adventure this week!

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