It's been six weeks since we've last updated you on what's happening in our lives...and we thought it was bad when we were only a couple of days behind - imagine how many pictures and stories we have of the last six weeks! But here are our top few favorite pictures, stories and thoughts from the past month and a half:
On July 12th, the 4Runner hit 100,000 miles. (In 1/05 Barbara got it with 17 miles - and has loved every part of the 99,983 she's driven!)
From July 17th through July 21st, we went to the beach to visit with Barbara's sister (Robyn) and brother-in-law (John). They came down from Colorado to vacation and visit with Gramercy and Papa Doc, and we got in on that action too!
On July 10th, Barbara headed out with four members of the church youth group to a local week long missions camp (WIRED) in the Wiregrass area.
On July 12th, the 4Runner hit 100,000 miles. (In 1/05 Barbara got it with 17 miles - and has loved every part of the 99,983 she's driven!)

From July 17th through July 21st, we went to the beach to visit with Barbara's sister (Robyn) and brother-in-law (John). They came down from Colorado to vacation and visit with Gramercy and Papa Doc, and we got in on that action too!
On July 21st, we had our Third Thursday dinner with Eric's brother Aaron (his wife, Jen, was working that night) at our house...grilled steaks, potatoes, corn and salad - Yum!
On July 22nd, we had one of our Bojangles Reunions with the Browns!
On July 25th we had a cousin's pool party at Aunt Carol and Ra Ra's house!
At the end of July we revealed pictures from two of the photo sessions we had during the summer...(1) our family beach picture from June in Sandestin and (2) the twins one year photog shoot that Abby joined in on as well!

On July 22nd, we had one of our Bojangles Reunions with the Browns!

On July 25th we had a cousin's pool party at Aunt Carol and Ra Ra's house!

At the end of July we revealed pictures from two of the photo sessions we had during the summer...(1) our family beach picture from June in Sandestin and (2) the twins one year photog shoot that Abby joined in on as well!

August 1st we had another cousin's pool party over at the fun fun!
August 2nd marked the day Abby turned 4 and a half (BIG news in a kiddo's world - ha!) and we celebrated at the pool with some friends and food!

August 5th the family headed to Adventure Land to enjoy the last weekend of play before school starts this fall!

On August 8th, Abby started back to school. This year she is attending the PreK program at Miss Eloise's in Enterprise, AL. She loves the school and her teachers: Ms. Ramona and Ms. Melanie.

August 12th: A pool party at Tartan Pines to celebrate the first week of school being over!

The twins turned fifteen months old on August 15th! Happy "Birthday" girls!
Look who got a haircut on 8/16! Lots of lock taken off and the verdict is in - we think she looks adorable!
August 14th through August 17th we celebrated Revival at our church (Providence Baptist Church in Clayhatchee, AL). A wonderful set of sermons and equally wonderful music and fellowship!
August 17th...would've been our "Wordless Wednesday" pic of the love love!
At their 15th month check up on 8/18, the girls got wonderful reports!
Reagan: 21 lbs, 9 ounces and 29 1/2 inches long
Blaire: 22 lbs, 10 ounces and 29 1/2 inches long
August 18th we had our Third Thursday dinner with Aaron and Jenifer. We enjoyed grilled burgers, fries, ice cream sandwiches and shenanigans by the pool on a hot summer night!

Another Friday pool party with Courtney and Derek on August 19th!

We celebrated cousin Whitney's 6th birthday (a day later) on 8/19 at a surprise bowling party which was super fun!
All in all the past six weeks have been anything but quiet. So rest assured that we haven't give up on our blog - just decided to have a bit of fun off the computer instead! (Although here's hoping the next update isn't another 6 weeks away!)

August 2nd marked the day Abby turned 4 and a half (BIG news in a kiddo's world - ha!) and we celebrated at the pool with some friends and food!

August 5th the family headed to Adventure Land to enjoy the last weekend of play before school starts this fall!

On August 8th, Abby started back to school. This year she is attending the PreK program at Miss Eloise's in Enterprise, AL. She loves the school and her teachers: Ms. Ramona and Ms. Melanie.

August 12th: A pool party at Tartan Pines to celebrate the first week of school being over!

The twins turned fifteen months old on August 15th! Happy "Birthday" girls!

Look who got a haircut on 8/16! Lots of lock taken off and the verdict is in - we think she looks adorable!

August 14th through August 17th we celebrated Revival at our church (Providence Baptist Church in Clayhatchee, AL). A wonderful set of sermons and equally wonderful music and fellowship!
August 17th...would've been our "Wordless Wednesday" pic of the love love!

At their 15th month check up on 8/18, the girls got wonderful reports!
Reagan: 21 lbs, 9 ounces and 29 1/2 inches long
Blaire: 22 lbs, 10 ounces and 29 1/2 inches long
August 18th we had our Third Thursday dinner with Aaron and Jenifer. We enjoyed grilled burgers, fries, ice cream sandwiches and shenanigans by the pool on a hot summer night!

Another Friday pool party with Courtney and Derek on August 19th!

We celebrated cousin Whitney's 6th birthday (a day later) on 8/19 at a surprise bowling party which was super fun!

All in all the past six weeks have been anything but quiet. So rest assured that we haven't give up on our blog - just decided to have a bit of fun off the computer instead! (Although here's hoping the next update isn't another 6 weeks away!)
Glad to see you guys have been having fun! After all, that is what childhood is all about..and it REALLY passes quickly!