Every year, Eric's firm (Carr Allison) not only works throughout the southeast's legal courts and system, they work with different philanthropies and charities. This year, they teamed up with Samaritan's Purse - a non-denominational evangelical Christian humanitarian organization that provides missionary work worldwide. The organization was started by Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham, and is based on the parable of the Good Samaritan which teaches how to love your neighbor as yourself. Part of Samaritan's Purse is a project called Operation Christmas Child. It is a global Christmas gift exchange where people spend the month of November collecting shoe boxes and filling them with toys, school supplies, personal items, etc. and then distributing them as Christmas gifts in more than 130 countries. This year, Eric picked 2 boxes to fill...and with a family of three girls, we of course chose each box to go to little girls, ages 2-4. I took Abby and the twins shopping
for the items to fill the boxes with and we had a blast! It was a great opportunity to teach all three girls about helping out the less fortunate, which includes little girls their ages. This project is helping us teach that no matter where we go or what we do, we offer more than help. We offer hope. To suffering people in a broken world, we share the news of the only One who can bring true peace—Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

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