Today was one of the most beautiful days at Providence! The walls of our church could not contain all of the gorgeous singing that was going on! This morning, the adult choir put on their Christmas Cantata. And after a few kinks with our wonderful new sound board and system were worked out, we all sat back and enjoyed a beautiful performance. And just when you think it couldn't have been topped, the children came and took over the stage Sunday night. Back in September some of PBC's children began practice for the Christmas play called "Picture Perfect Plan." Tonight, after one final rehearsal, the play began! The children did a wonderful job and I can say without a doubt that every person in the sanctuary enjoyed themselves...including the two parents of the one-that-shall-not-be-named who decided it would be in her best interest this year to stand, smile and sing instead of repeating last year's "I'm gonna lie down and roll off the stage" performance!

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