Today was a bittersweet sort of holiday from school for Abby. Once a week, Abby attends chapel with her classmates at school(First United Methodist Stepping Stones Preschool). Pastor Bob Penton leads the children in chapel where they learn stories about God and Jesus. Abby and her friends knew that Pastor Bob was going to the hospital for the doctors to work on his heart. Unfortunately, Pastor Bob passed away after heart surgery. The school closed for his funeral today and Abby stayed home and we worked on lots of crafts, projects and lots of quality time together. Although, after eight hours of quality time with three kiddos, I was ready to get out of the house...which worked out well with our schedule because we were going to attend a Bible
Study with the women of Campers on Missions earlier this afternoon. As we headed to the church we enjoyed an hour of great fellowship while finishing the Bible Study on the miracles of Lazarus and the blind man. All the COM women helped out and watched Blaire and Reagan for me while I was able to go take Abby to the construction site. And once again, Abby wooed those COM men into getting anything she wanted - including signing her name on the drywall (of the main hallway) as one of the construction workers! She couldn't believe she was allowed to do that...and with their special construction pencil to boot!

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