It's the laws of nature I'm concerned with these days. One law in particular, Murphy's. Even more particular, the version of "Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first." Each night this week I set out to update the blog because I know you are waiting on pins and needles to hear what exciting things happened in our crazy world. (See, I may not have given you the wit this week, but I did save some sarcasm to spread today.) But, I now find myself at home with the three girls on a Friday night with nothing to do...and it isn't the Tell Tale heart I hear beating, but the blog saying "Write me. Write me." So here is the much anticipated review.
Sunday, February 20th
Although Abby was ending her cold, cough and congestion, she unfortunately passed it on to Blaire and the two stayed home from church this morning to help knock the crud right out of their system. But surprisingly, it wasn't the cold or crud that seemed to be the was the separation between Reagan and Blaire. After reading up on twins separation anxiety, several articles suggested that it doesn't begin to bother twins until age 6. Phooey. (Another one of my technical terms that proves I was never one of the intended to go into math/science or medicine.) I saw it first hand Sunday morning. Reagan, who came with me to church, was completely out of sorts. And for the child that loves her morning 2 hour nap, she wouldn't even hardly close her eyes until she was back home and next to Blaire. During the same time, Blaire was acting odd as well. After they were reunited (after being apart for only about 4 hours), they both laughed, cooed, played and then had a great nap in their own cribs - 2 feet away from each other and happy as can be.
Monday, February 21st
Presidents Day...which brings to mind one of my favorite political quotes, "George Washington is the only president who didn't blame the previous administration for his troubles." (Author
Unknown). And not only was it a holiday - it was a girls only holiday! Eric headed out of town Monday morning and wouldn't be back until Tuesday night. While some schools used this day as a weather make up, Abby's did not - which meant we had the entire day to play hooky and have fun. There were lots of crafts, books, cartoons and sister playing during the day. Then, at dinner time we invited the Miller family (Alex, Aaron, Carys and Kismet) over for a Presidental Pizza Party! There was pizza, bouncy house, dress up, dancing, singing, video game car racing and cookies!
Tuesday, February 22nd
School was back in session! (And after a week of Abby being off of school due to illness and holiday, all I could think of was the lyric from It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas - "And mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again!") While Eric was still gone, after Abby's school drop off, I headed to check out the progress on the church. Even though the Campers on Mission are gone, the contractors are getting the place up and running - in particular this week, the air and heat needed to be running. After some grocery shopping and playtime, we headed back to school to get Abby and ended up coming home with our friends the Slagles (Elizabeth and Taylor) for fun times outside in the gorgeous weather we've been having!
Wednesday, February 23rd
Almost everyday Abby asks "What kind of fun stuff can we do today?" Today's activity was
something I really never thought we'd do in February: swimming. Yep, the kiddo was ready to head on out to the pool and take a dive...or rather a jump. But it was just the one jump and then the excuses started - I heard everything other than the real reason she refused to say...the water was freezing! It might have been in the mid 70s out on the lounge chairs but the water was nowhere near that! But it was a good time and we enjoyed it being together...especially watching Reagan and Blaire laugh at Abby while she was kicking around the water and splashing at shadows!
Thursday, February 24th
Twelve days ago, little Hayden William-James Wilson came into this world and we have been so ready to see him and snuggle! With 2 of our 3 kiddos cruddy last week, we couldn't get near the newborn so we were so excited when his Mom said we could come on over today! Jennifer and Colby Wilson welcomed their main man into the world Saturday February 12th...and he is simply beautiful! Such a gorgeous complexion! We were in love at first sight and can't wait to get back to get our hands on the handsome little bugger!

Friday, February 25th
Calling all local need to check out the Wiregrass Cheer and Dance for their Toddler/Tot Time and play rooms. A bunch of us headed on over there this morning and had a ball. Although almost all of Abby's age friends were in school (she only goes to school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays) she, and the twins, had a great time! After playing we headed out to lunch at one of our favs - Mellow Mushroom.

As we sit here on the brink of another weekend, I'd like to say that I'll post before the weekend ends, or further more, before the next one begins, but like Murphy, I'm gonna just be realistic and tell you that something else is probably gonna come up first! Happy weekend and happy week ahead!
This just in...the top five things that make a somewhat fun week, a pain in the you-know-what:
Sunday, February 20th
Although Abby was ending her cold, cough and congestion, she unfortunately passed it on to Blaire and the two stayed home from church this morning to help knock the crud right out of their system. But surprisingly, it wasn't the cold or crud that seemed to be the was the separation between Reagan and Blaire. After reading up on twins separation anxiety, several articles suggested that it doesn't begin to bother twins until age 6. Phooey. (Another one of my technical terms that proves I was never one of the intended to go into math/science or medicine.) I saw it first hand Sunday morning. Reagan, who came with me to church, was completely out of sorts. And for the child that loves her morning 2 hour nap, she wouldn't even hardly close her eyes until she was back home and next to Blaire. During the same time, Blaire was acting odd as well. After they were reunited (after being apart for only about 4 hours), they both laughed, cooed, played and then had a great nap in their own cribs - 2 feet away from each other and happy as can be.
Monday, February 21st
Presidents Day...which brings to mind one of my favorite political quotes, "George Washington is the only president who didn't blame the previous administration for his troubles." (Author

Tuesday, February 22nd
School was back in session! (And after a week of Abby being off of school due to illness and holiday, all I could think of was the lyric from It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas - "And mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again!") While Eric was still gone, after Abby's school drop off, I headed to check out the progress on the church. Even though the Campers on Mission are gone, the contractors are getting the place up and running - in particular this week, the air and heat needed to be running. After some grocery shopping and playtime, we headed back to school to get Abby and ended up coming home with our friends the Slagles (Elizabeth and Taylor) for fun times outside in the gorgeous weather we've been having!
Wednesday, February 23rd
Almost everyday Abby asks "What kind of fun stuff can we do today?" Today's activity was

Thursday, February 24th
Twelve days ago, little Hayden William-James Wilson came into this world and we have been so ready to see him and snuggle! With 2 of our 3 kiddos cruddy last week, we couldn't get near the newborn so we were so excited when his Mom said we could come on over today! Jennifer and Colby Wilson welcomed their main man into the world Saturday February 12th...and he is simply beautiful! Such a gorgeous complexion! We were in love at first sight and can't wait to get back to get our hands on the handsome little bugger!

Friday, February 25th
Calling all local need to check out the Wiregrass Cheer and Dance for their Toddler/Tot Time and play rooms. A bunch of us headed on over there this morning and had a ball. Although almost all of Abby's age friends were in school (she only goes to school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays) she, and the twins, had a great time! After playing we headed out to lunch at one of our favs - Mellow Mushroom.

As we sit here on the brink of another weekend, I'd like to say that I'll post before the weekend ends, or further more, before the next one begins, but like Murphy, I'm gonna just be realistic and tell you that something else is probably gonna come up first! Happy weekend and happy week ahead!
This just in...the top five things that make a somewhat fun week, a pain in the you-know-what:
(1) Ridiculously crazy drooling as a cause of teething - the teeth that have still not come in even though they've got to be just right there since the drool will soak a new outfit in less than 6 mins of it being on.
(2) Bug bites...ant bites on baby hands, mosquito bites on baby thigh, etc. I don't know if it's bed bugs, summer-is-coming bugs or what but sheets are being deep cleaned, carpets were vacuumed every day, and ointments were applied. Those bugs are really bugging me.
(3) Nasal Aspirator (a.k.a Booger Machine)
(4) Having a list of 5 things you've been trying to remember all week to add to the blog post but not remembering all of them. Pure frustration.
(5) See Number 4.
(2) Bug bites...ant bites on baby hands, mosquito bites on baby thigh, etc. I don't know if it's bed bugs, summer-is-coming bugs or what but sheets are being deep cleaned, carpets were vacuumed every day, and ointments were applied. Those bugs are really bugging me.
(3) Nasal Aspirator (a.k.a Booger Machine)
(4) Having a list of 5 things you've been trying to remember all week to add to the blog post but not remembering all of them. Pure frustration.
(5) See Number 4.

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