...talkin' about the car wash, girl! This morning was the youth group's annual car wash at
Providence. And although I'm sure the youth were just thrilled to be up and at the church by 8:45 AM on a Saturday, the person that was honestly over the moon was Abby. She got to join the "youth group" for the day and that's been a dream of hers now for a while! It's hysterically funny to see her get excited about being a youth member, ha! A couple of hours, a few cars and motorcycles later, the car wash was over and everyone was exhausted...but it was definitely a fun fundraiser and time!

After the car wash, we headed home to get ready for a big afternoon at our house. Every year Eric's father, Will, has his birthday right in the middle of football season. And since he'd love nothing more than to just celebrate with some golf, a home cooked meal and Alabama on the television, that's what we all decided to give him this year. And it was a great family get together to celebrate the big 6-5! Happy Birthday, Will...and many more!
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