Our poor Reagan just can't catch a break! Just about a week ago, she was getting a fever from teething and wasn't a happy camper at all. Then last night she woke up a
bout 11 PM and was hot, sick, wheezing and not feeling good. Early this morning we were up at at the doctor's office for a walk-in appointment. Once again, our favorite doc and nurse (Doc McAllister and Nurse Leigh) came thru for us right away! They tested Reagan and found out she has (1) RSV and (2) Bronchiolitis. We spent the first year of her life hoping that she wouldn't get RSV because it's bad in babies, much less preemies. Thankfully, she's 16 months now and can better fight the virus. We came home with some meds that are also breathing treatments every 4 hours or so. She's the smallest of the family and seems to be taking most of the hits around here this coming up cold season. Here's hoping she's feeling back to her normal snuggly self soon!

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