How a week went by without me being able to post is beyond me...not like we are busy or anything! Ha! Last week when we flipped the calendar over from September to October, we flipped from drive to super drive! This month is full of the most fun, interesting, exciting things and we are looking forward to every minut
e of every day! To start off with, last week our church had was great! Four nights of wonderful fellowship, music and messages. On the last night of Revival, it was Youth Night and after a church scavenger hunt, dinner and a message to the congregation and "the green shirt people" (lol!), Revival was finally over and we were exhausted. Well, some of us that is! Abby had tons of energy - and we let her get it out one day with one of her best buds, Denesa,
who came to our house for a fun play date. It was sooo cute watching those girls play together - for almost 9 hours...with no arguing! Awesome! Then the weekend came and we saw our favorite little white SUV from Mississippi pull into our driveway...Aunt Nancy and Uncle Roger came to visit! We love family visits and it was especially nice to enjoy time with these two! But that wasn't the only family we hugged and loved on over the was the Fulford Family Reunion Luncheon as well! Since the babies still can't get out of the house, Barbara and Abby headed to the lunch while Eric stayed home with Reagan, Blaire, Uncle Roger and Aunt Nancy. It was so much fun at the "Fulford Farm" (which is really a barn but you can't tell that to Abby, ha!) spending time with lots of loved ones including Aunt Elizabeth/Uncle Kenneth, Aunt Katherine, Jason/Patricia/Durwood, Joe/Shannan/Avery, John/Vicki/Logan and lots more. I think Abby loved it most because Avery and Logan were there and the three muskateers were loving their time together! We headed back home to our company and opened up our doors for dinner that night to Uncle Roger's brother (Will - Eric's dad) and his sister (Gilda). We grilled out some hot dogs and hamburgers and had a great night!! Sunday was church....and maybe a little bit of golf - ha! And then Sunday night Barbara headed off to a Lock in at the church and Abby headed to Aunt Carol and Ra Ra's for a slumber party. When we all got back home on Monday morning, the guys headed out to the golf course and the girls stayed home and played...and slept...and talked - you can figure out yourselves who did what, ha! Monday night we had a family steak dinner (hats off to the chef - woo!) and enjoyed some great fellowship before Uncle Roger and Aunt Nancy headed out Tuesday mid morning.

What a week....what great times...what great memories! Now off to get some more sleep....ha!

What a week....what great times...what great memories! Now off to get some more sleep....ha!
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