The time has come....drum roll please.....the twins can leave the house!!!!!!! Yes, we've waited and waited and they've been given the green light to go out and about - albeit they are still restricted from several places like day cares and nurseries. After receiving, and tolerating, their first Synergist shot, the twins have begun to build up their weakened immune system and showed the perfect strength and gains to head on out. And so, we did. Today was their first official day/night out on the town and they handled it like pros...from visiting with church friends, family, and new boyfriends (yep, you heard me right - ha!) they enjoyed their day out almost as much as Mommy did, ha! We culminated the evening in a nice picnic under the, rather under the big huge fan! Abby and Daddy chose the Santa F
e restaurant for the girls first family dinner out. We all had an enjoyable time thanks to the restaurant, the great waitress, the good food and most of all God's hands of protection still around our family! We still wouldn't be able to take them out and about if He wasn't there sharing his protection every moment of every day around these blessings! It was awesome to see them sitting in a restaurant when only 5 months ago they were lying in incubators. Even Big Sister herself was on her best behavior (um, ok, we'll go with that because none of you were there to actually witness exactly what behavior she was on, ha!). A great new beginning topped off by a great night!

YAY! That is so exciting! Also, I am in love with that argyle dress Abby is wearing! (I need a little girl so badly! ha)
Cassie....any time you want to borrow her - feel free! She could give Jackson a run for his money! And I love the dress's GAP kids dress.