Have you ever had one of those moments where something catches your eye and you have a moment? Or maybe an epiphany? Whatever it is, whatever you call it, it happened to me last night. I was sitting in the living room feeding the twins waiting for Eric to come home from Revival church services. Abby was there with me and we were watching The Muppet's Take Manhattan. A normal Sunday night around our house...but then I saw them. A pair of shoes. They only cost about $7 but, oh, the stories they tell. The
y are Abby's tennis shoes. Now, you may be thinking "So what? A pair of shoes? What's the big deal?" If those are your thoughts, I can bet money you aren't a mother. When I looked at those shoes, a wave of emotions came over me...what big girl shoes for my little girl! I started having flashbacks of memories of the last 3 1/2 years that literally almost brought tears to my eyes: bringing her home from the hospital when her little feet weren't even big enough to wear socks much less shoes, laughing when she found her feet and realized she could suck on her toes, watching her take her first steps, loving it when she pretended her dressy black shoes were tap shoes, remembering how we had to con her and trick her into wearing her 1st pair of flip flops because she hated them, never being able to convince her to wear slippers, etc. Our baby girl is a big girl...now putting on her tennis shoes and running out to play, or to school, or to jump on her bike and go through the neighborhood. Part of me wants to stop the clock right now and keep her this age, but the rest of me is so happy for what a wonderful girl she has become that I can't wait to see what is in store for her future. This morning, she put on those same two tennis shoes and headed out the door with her Daddy for a McDonald's breakfast date before school. Before walking out the door she turned and said "Wait, Mommy, I want one more kiss and one more hug." My heart smiled...and after giving my little baby exactly what she wanted, I watched those tennis shoes leave the house and run down the driveway.

Precious! I really enjoyed reading this post!!!! Aren't our babies just the best thing in life :)