What an absolutely, positively, wonderful Mother's Day here at the Wade house! Although the girls were all up by 6 AM, by 6:30, Eric was out with Abby picking up breakfast! I couldn't have been more shocked to be honest! Ha ha! Then it was easy peesy lemon squeezy getting ready for church - we even had enough time to take what ended up being one of my favorite pictures of me and my girls! After church, Eric and the girls treated me to lunch at one of my favorite local restaurants and it was scrumpdidliumpcious...couldn't have asked for anything nicer! After some nice afternoon naps, I headed back to church in some peace and quiet while Eric stayed home with the girls. By the time I got home, we ate dinner and I kissed my three littlest loves goodnight before I sat down, reread my cards and played around with my gift - a new lap top! Thank you Eric, Abby, Reagan and Blaire...I am the most blessed Mommy there is!!! I love you all!!!!!!!

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