This morning, at our church, Providence Baptist in Clayhatchee, we had Graduates Day. As you know, Barbara is the Youth Director at PBC. It was a bit of a sentimental day today b
ecause when this year's graduates moved up to the Youth Group at PBC, it was the year Barbara became Youth Director. This morning we congratulated Jessica Ganous and Stetson Webb - two of the graduates of the Wicksburg High School Class of 2011! It was an awesome morning for the Providence family as we have watched these two not only grow into such wonderful young adults, but also to give their testimony to the church as Christians who have turned their lives and hearts over to their Lord and Savior. Our family will be at their graduation with bells on - well, not really wearing bells, but chances are with us walking in with three kids that might be screaming, we'll be heard without bells, LOL! Congrats Jess and Stets - we love you both!
After treating our graduates to the annual Graduates Day Lunch, we headed home only to pack
up and Barbara headed out again for the younger group of PBC Youth. It was the Spring Band Concert at Daleville and one word sums it up: AWESOME! Congrats to Brooke, Haleigh, Dalton and Dylan on such wonderful performances! I was completely blown away by not only how many bands there were, but how great each and every one was! It was a great concert and I'm already looking forward to the next one in the fall!
After treating our graduates to the annual Graduates Day Lunch, we headed home only to pack
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