Today is the big day we've all been loooking forward to....Reagan and Blaire's 1st birthday! This time last year was very emotional for us - it is something that we hope and pray none of our friends or family ever have to go through. There were many moments where we didn't know what the future held for our two littlest loves and we begged God to at least give them a future, no matter what it might be. God answered our prayers and blessed us with more than we ever dreamed...two precious, perfectly healthy bundles of joy that we were able to bring home from the NICU and love all over. We've watched them grow over the last 12 months and we are ecstatic to celebrate their 1st birthdays!
Blaire Elizabeth Wade
Then (5/14/10) and now (5/14/11)

Reagan Nichole Wade
Then (5/14/10) and now (5/14/11)

Blaire Elizabeth Wade
Then (5/14/10) and now (5/14/11)

Reagan Nichole Wade
Then (5/14/10) and now (5/14/11)
The beginning of the day started with lots of love and hugs - especially from their Big Sister who couldn't wait for their big party. During the morning hours, guests started arriving and by noon our house was full of family and friends that came over to celebrate with Reagan and Blaire. We had music, cupcakes, balloons, bouncey house, pool, swing set, see saw, toys, presents and topped it all off with a grilled hamburger and hot dog lunch. The girls each got a vanilla cake (with an ice cream center) and after about 3 or 4 minutes or checking the cakes out, finally got a little bit more into it! After lunch and dessert, the twins got a bit tired so they took a little cat nap but were soon up and sitting around everyone while they opened their presents - and got a bit of help from friends! They were completely into it and we loved it! By dinner time, almost everyone had left and the girls enjoyed a nice birthday dinner, bath time and snuggle-before-bed time. It was a completely surreal day to enjoy....knowing the struggles these girls faced to even come into the world, and now to see them laughing, playing and eating their birthday cakes! What a wonderful occasion!!!!!!!
Happy birthday to our littlest loves....we love you!
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